Pdf of CV
Experimental Videos
Programming skills: Linux, C++, C, Python, CMake, Makefile, Qt, Git, SVN, Docker, AppImage, ROS, Gazebo, Mathematica, MATLAB, Simulink
Spoken languages: English and Portuguese
2018 March – 2018 May: Academic visit at UCSD, for 3 months and supervised by Professor Jorge Cortes.
2017-10-19: Speaker at AEROWORKS autumn school.
Academic Awards
May 2014: Best MSc thesis of 2013 in Robotics awarded by the Portuguese Society of Robotics (SPR).
Academic years 08-09, 09-10 and 10-11: Scholarship for best student in Aerospace Bachelor Programme at IST-Lisbon.
Nonlinear Control TA with Jonas Mårtensson (2016, 2017)
Basic Control TA with Henrik Sandberg (2015)
Lab Assistant in Water Tank Lab at KTH (2014, 2015, 2016)
Ioannis Chatzis (MSc thesis, 2015)
Riccardo Zanella (MSc thesis, 2015)
Manuel Herzog (MSc thesis, 2015)
Spyridon Papasideris (MSc thesis, 2016)
Massimiliano Pandolfo (MSc thesis, 2016)
Pedro Roque (MSc thesis, 2017)
Research topics